Rocking over the ideaspace.
Bionics is at the forefront of research in product development in the 21st century. Julian Vincent's "smart", pinecone inspired fabrics; George de Mestral's Velcro; The wast ensemble of contributions from dr. D. C. Prevoršek. The list goes on. Especially eager in exploitation of organic high performance fibers as a substitution for the overused inorganic ones.
DATA SCIENCEDiving into physics-informed neural networks. The future of data science lies in understanding the underlying principles. Neural network is not a black box. Just laws are a bit... perplexing. Everybody knows that the answer is 42, but hardly any knows the borders of the answers' subspace.
Comperhending a speech is like reading a signal from a sensor. It is a feature of a sensor and only an indirect indicator of a measured entity. Only mastering the knowledge of the communicator's dynamics enables one to refute the Einstein's proof of light traveling faster than sound - which is why certain people appear bright until you hear them speak.
BIOMECHANICSI am highly interested in biomechanics and exercise physiology. From the mechanistic standpoint I am developing body movement models and with that trying to understand the functional anatomy, also through the lens of evolution. What furthermore drives my passion is the role of neural network as a matter of the utmost importance in physiological response. Since the very most important and yet highly misunderstood signal is the perception of pain, I am looking for the cues of theoretical revelation in the wast ensemble of defects in locomotion apparatus, let it be congenital or acquired, sudden or chronic.
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGSustainable development and environment protection. To be precise I am eager to find novel solutions for water purification and waste water management.
Doing mistakes due to creativity is humanely. Repeating them is irresponsibility. (~ Karim Al Saleh)
Coding Expertise
Engineering Expertise
B.Sc. in Biotechnology at University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty (2017-2023)
B.Eng. in Applied Physics at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (2019-2024)
M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (2023-2025)
Sports society Beta Projektin
Physiological view of asana
Strength training for sport climbers
Sports physiology research project
Constructed wetland with a solar disinfector